Fatima – Facilitator
Hello beautiful people. I am Fatima, Co-Founder of Friends of the Vine Retreats.
My path into Plant Medicine retreats got triggered in 2019 after I broke my heart “one too many times”, and the healing journey started after I decided I’ve had enough. That was the moment I saw I was living in this horrible cycle of falling and trying harder, just like in a hero’s journey.
I noticed that until then, I had been “collecting” bigger and bigger achievements to compensate me feeling unsafe, unworthy, and inadequate. Everything from learning new skills, winning competitions, getting promoted or being overly nice to people… you name it… were all to please “the world” in the hopes “everyone” would like me (more). By now, I hope that you too, reading this, also know “that stuff” doesn’t work.
My professional background is in Logistics Planning, Operational Management and Security. All this taught me everything I know about human behaviour, performing and getting stuff done under pressure. Although my intention was to help people (at work), I realised that the professional setting is built to help businesses instead.
Over the years I got certified in many things like massage therapy, energetic healing (including reiki master) and tarot/mediumship reading in the hopes that it would come in handy at some point… and that time is NOW.
Plant Medicine has boosted my own healing and inspired me to share that blessing with others.
I now stand before you, prepared to guide and support you through your amazing journey of holistic healing and self-discovery. Have you suffered enough and feel it is time to change?
If so, come find me when you are ready.